6 films of the young film-directors from Kyrgyzstan have selected to the First International film festival «BASTAU», Almaty.
First International film festival «Bastau» will be held from 22nd to 26th of the April, 2011 at Almaty, Kazakhstan.

«Headphones» - new film made to the anniversary of the April events in Kyrgyzstan
Film made by Bakhtiyar Seytkaziev, Tumar-film, Kazakhstan, 2011.
Synopsis. She’s working for pennies. His life is wheelchair.
They are husband and wife, orphans forgotten by their country.
They are extras in this life, hostages of their own illusions.
What can they do for love? What a human nature can bear? And how to value man’s life and dignity? Or find an ultimate solution in headphones?

13 new films from Kyrgyzstan have selected to the Almaty filmfestival «Shaken’s Stars».
9th Almaty International filmfestival «Shaken’s Stars» will be held from 11th to 15th of the May, 2011. An annual film festival “Shaken Zhulduzdary’ (Shaken’s Stars) is the title of the Almaty International film festival, an exclusive competition of young film makers and debut films, which has become a traditional event and is a tribute to the memory of Shaken Aimanov, patriarch of the Kazakh cinematography, distinguished actor and film director, whose creative activity has been internationally acknowledged.

Presentation of the new films will be at Cinema House.
It will be on the 5 th and 6 th of the April 2011 at Cinema House, Bishkek. This presentation will devote to the first anniversary of the April revolution in Kyrgyzstan. It will be shown three new films:
Answer to You by Sadyk Sher-Niyaz
Kayrat by Venera Jamankulova
Incomplete Dreams by Tynchtykbek Akimaliev
All these films made at the frame of the project «Kyrgyzstan – the land of the short movies films», cinema-studio «Aytysh-film».

News of the world tour of the “Light Thief” (Svet-ake)

Reconstruction of the cinema-theatre “Semetey” (Osh city)

Erkin Ryspaev – the famous Kyrgyz film-director died.
Famous Kazakh producer Sergey Azimov has taken apart at the Kyrgyz project «Training of Professional Managers for Cinema Industry»

Announce a competition for new youth social radio project
Youth Program of Soros Foundation – Kyrgyzstan and «Birinchi» radio of Social broadcasting corporation of Kyrgyz Repudlic announce a competition «Tender of your youth social radio project».

«Soros-Kyrgyzstan» Fund calls for vacancy
«Soros-Kyrgyzstan» Fund calls for vacancy Information program coordinator among the citizens of Kyrgyz Republic.
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