Presentation of the cinema-theatre
“Semetey” (Osh
city) after reconstruction.
Today, June 7, 2011, it will be open the
restore cinema-theatre “Semetey” at the south capital of Kyrgyzstan Osh.
It will be shown two best movies made by
young Kyrgyz film-directors Ms. Elnura Osmonolieva (“Almaz”) and Ms. Nargiza
(“The Earrings”).
The film from Kyrgyzstan Light Thief show during the domestic flights in USA
The film from Kyrgyzstan Light Thief (Svet-Ake) directed by Aktan Arym Kubat show in the domestic airplanes in USA flight from Virgin America.
Chingiz Aitmatov’s memorial evening
It will be on the June 7, 2011 at the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.
How to marry Goo Jun Pyo?
Daniyar Abdykerimov would like to show his film "How to marry Goo Jun Pyo?" for the Kyrgyz film-makers at Cinema House (Bishkek, Logvinenko, 13) on Sunday, 5th of the June, 2011, at 3 pm.
ASAP: Light Thief will be shown at four IFF!!!
The film by Aktan Arym Kubat “Light Thief” will be shown at the four IFF as soon as possible:
Program of the presentation of new films made by Cinema Development Fund
Cinema House, May 30, 2011
5 pm - Opening ceremony: Aktan Arym Kubat, Artyk Suyundukov, Ulan Isakbekov
5.30 pm – “Water” by Alijan Nasirov
5.55 pm - «Under Positive» by Almaz Kabaev
6.10 pm – “Snooze” by Mirbek Kadraliev
6.30 pm – “Shoemaker” by Nurlan Razakulov
The presentation of new films made by Cinema Development Fund will be on the May 30-31
The presentation of 16 new films made by at the frame of the Second educational project “Young Cinematographers Courses 2009 - 2011” will be on the 30-31 of May 2011 in Cinema House, Bishkek, Logvinenko, 13.
Spanish Cinema Week in Kyrgyzstan
Spanish Cinema Week in Kyrgyzstan (24-27 May, 2011) organized by Gobierno De Espana and Ministerio De Asuntos Exteriores Y De Cooperacion.
State Agency by Cinematography of Kyrgyzstan begins to produce a new film “Princess Nazik”.
This project was a participant of Open Doors Program at Locarno IFF, 2010
Two documentaries from Kyrgyzstan awarded at IFF "Shaken's Stars"
Cradle of Happiness - The Best Student's documentary section
Country and State - The Best Documentary - full-lenth film - section Films of the youth
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