Saturday, 17 September 2011 00:00 |
Prizes of the One World Kyrgyzstan IFF, 2011 The V, One World Kyrgyzstan International festival of documentary films on human rights will be held on September 27 - October 2, 2011, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan at the "Manas" cinema.
For the first time in the festival history there will be three competition programs: national, international and program of films on youth and children rights. It will be awarded 5 main prizes.
Here is the list of the main prizes of the V, One World Kyrgyzstan IFF, 2011:
THE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION: 1) The Grand prix (Grand-Prix) in section «International competition» will be awarded to a film which is shot at high art level, and completely answers to human rights format of festival.
2) The Prize for the Direction in section «International competition» will be awarded to the director, who by means of documentary film better than others discovered the theme of festival.
3) The Special prize of jury (Special Prize) in section «International competition» will be awarded to a film in which the declared theme is highlighted in the best way.
THE NATIONAL COMPETITION: Grand prix (Grand-Prix) in section «National competition» will be awarded to a film which is shot at high art level, and completely answers a human rights issue format of festival.
Diploma of the Youth Jury will be awarded to the film, most strikingly the opened human rights theme in the film, devoted to the rights of children and young people.
Фестиваль "Бир Дуйно - Кыргызстан" проводит ПЦ "Граждане против коррупции"
Спонсоры и партнеры фестиваля "Бир Дуйно - Кыргызстан": Евросоюз;
Аппарат Президента КР
Посольство США в КР
Министерство Образования
Министерство Молодежи
Государственное Агентство кинематографии при Правительстве КР
Общественный Фонд "Айтыш";
Посольство США в Кыргызской Республике;
и другие.
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