Friday, 09 August 2024 00:00 |
Place: Almaty, Kazakhstan Dates: 03-08.09.2023
"ERROR 404"
Festivals: Spirit of Fire (2024, Russia), Bishkek IFF (2024, Kyrgyzstan)
Рsychological drama Kyrgyzstan, 2023, 80’, Russian & Kyrgyz “Kyrgyzfilm” National Film Studio named after T. OKeyev Director: Tynchtyk Abylkasymov Written by Marat Alykulov & Tynchtyk Abylkasymov DoP: Zhantai Kydyraliev Production designer: ElchibekShamenov Editor: Azat Mamunov Cast: Semetei Rysbaev, Begaiym Asanakunova, Bolot Tentimyshov, Bolot Tilebaldiev
Logline: A young polygraph examiner firmly believes that technologies will replace humanity. When mistrust of the woman he loves creeps into his heart, he decides to test her with a Lie Detector.
The main character, Emil, is 35 years old. He has a rare profession, an expertand specialist in the main tenance of the Polygraph, theso-called "Lie Detector". One day Daniyar, his tennis partner who is the director of a large reale state company, introduces Emil to his assistant Aida. Emil falls in love with the young, beautiful, and intelligent Aida at first sight. He takes care of her and Aida feels mutual sympathy for him. The love of two hearts logically moves to wards a marriage. One fine day, Emil invites Aida to a restaurant, and there, they accidentally see Daniyar with an unfamiliar young woman (meanwhile, Emil knows that Daniyar is married to another). Emil and Aida leave the restaurant to avoid running into Daniyar and embarrassing him. If Daniyar so easily allows him self to have an affair, did Aida have an intimate relationship with her immediate boss? Distrust creeps into Emil's soul.
Director’s Biography. Tynchtyk Abylkasymov was born in 1986 in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. Graduated from Kyrgyz State Institute of Arts, faculty of Theatre and Cinema as TV and Film Director. Since 2005 worked in film industry on more than 25 feature films as Director, Actor, Line Producer, First AD, Editor.
Filmography: 2007 Short Film «I’m» (diploma work) 2010 The documentary film «Country and the Government» 2011 Short Film «Bakyt» 2015 Short Film «Syndrom» 2019 Short Film «On The Border»