Daniar Abdykerimov |
Daniar Abdykerimov
Contacts: The film studio «DONSSON FILMS production» Work address: 1, Dinara Asanova Street, Bishkek, 720030, Kyrgyzstan
work: +996 (312) 34 46 73
mob.: +996 (551) 20 37 07
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Date of birth: 17 June 1980
Education: Kyrgyz State University of J. Balasagyn Kyrgyz-European Faculty, Economics and Administration
Documentary films:
2010 «3850 metres» (16 min)
Prize for the «Best documentary film» on the 3-th film festival of Ernest Abdyjaparov's master-classes
Fiction films: 2008 «Father» (7 min), Grand Prix on the 1-st film festival of Ernest Abdyjaparov's master-classes
2009 «I missed you» (13 min) 2011 «How to marry Goo Jun Pyo?» (75 min) full-length feature film
2011 "Girl in Red - 2"