Friday, 06 May 2011 00:00 |
Calling artists/filmmakers to create short promotional videos The U.S. Boat to Gaza - THE AUDACITY OF HOPE - is calling on artists, animators and filmmakers to encourage you to develop and submit a short 1-5 minute video about THE AUDACITY OF HOPE for mass distribution on Youtube and through our networks. Help us raise the profile of the U.S. Boat to Gaza in the coming months before we sail in June 2011 with the Freedom Flotilla II.
THE AUDACITY OF HOPE is committed to carrying powerful voices from this country to the people of Gaza; those voices who are supporting this grassroots, human-rights mission which is working to help end the illegal U.S. supported Israeli naval blockade of Gaza. We need your creativity to increase our visibility throughout this country.
The video project guidelines are as follows:
1. The video piece should be no more than 5 minutes. (If you are inspired to make a longer film please go ahead but it would have to be considered for another type of distribution and use.)
2. The piece should raise the profile of the U.S. Boat to Gaza -
THE AUDACITY OF HOPE - and promote the name in order to build public awareness of this effort.
3. The piece cannot promote any affiliation to political parties, institutions or associations in the U.S. or in Gaza and the Occupied Territories.
4. The piece cannot promote or support the use of violence or anything that would undermine our commitment to nonviolence.
Please send your videos to us at
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Visit our website for more information about this project:
Please share this message with others.