Festivals: call for entries

National award "Urker" Call for Entries!


Deadline: September 1st 2024 


ALTERNATIVA FILM Labs announces an open call for the Impact Lab_kg


Deadline: 05.08.2024. The Impact Lab will take place from September 26 to October 1 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.


ALTERNATIVA FILM Labs announces an open call for the Impact Lab


Deadline: 05.08.2024. The Impact Lab will take place from September 26 to October 1 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Tuesday, 06 November 2018 00:00
The 100 greatest foreign-language films: who voted? (30 October 2018)

We polled 209 critics representing 43 countries – here are their ballots in full.


We approached hundreds of film experts - critics, industry figures, academics - and 209 from 43 countries responded by filling in an online poll in August and September 2018. Each critic voted for 10 films, ranking them 1 (favourite) to 10 (10th favourite). We awarded 10 points per first ranked film, 9 per second ranked film, and so on down to 1. We then summed the points. 


The film with the most points won. We split ties by the total number of votes: films with more votes ranked higher. Any ties remaining after this were split by first place votes: films with more critics placing them at number one ranked higher.

Full list here
BBC Culture's 100 greatest foreign-language films: Gulbara's list
My previous list for Sight & Sound  here