Festivals: call for entries

National award "Urker" Call for Entries!


Deadline: September 1st 2024 


ALTERNATIVA FILM Labs announces an open call for the Impact Lab_kg


Deadline: 05.08.2024. The Impact Lab will take place from September 26 to October 1 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.


ALTERNATIVA FILM Labs announces an open call for the Impact Lab


Deadline: 05.08.2024. The Impact Lab will take place from September 26 to October 1 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Saturday, 18 December 2010 10:20

“Lenola inventa un film” Prize, the 14th international competition for short films

Entries have opened for the “Lenola inventa un film” Prize, the 14th international competition for short films on a theme. The closing date for films to take part is April 15, 2011 The theme of this edition is: LIFE. Short films, with a maximum duration of 30 minutes are eligible to take part.


Works have to be sent to “Associazione Culturale Cinema e Society Inventa un Film, Piazza Pandozj, 4  04025 Lenola (LT) Italy” . DVD of the films for submission must be sent by mail (with the indication “no commercial value”). Enrolment is free. The films will be screened in Lenola at the beginning of July 2011.

Inventa un Film is a cultural manifestation organized on a yearly basis. In this context, the aim of the manifestation is that of setting up an event to express the enormous potential of the short film cinema, bringing together the most important and significative artistic and productive experiences in Italy and in the whole world.

Participation to the International Contest is open to short films shot in all formats, of all genres and technique (fiction, animation, documentary, experimental), regardless of their country of origin. The request to participate to the Contest must sent on the official enrolment form.

Entry forms must be sent to the festival by mail before 15 April 2011 together with the following material:

-       DVD of the film
-       Still from the film
-       Complete text of dialogues and commentary of the film translated in to English or Italian.

Preferably the photos and dialogues should be sent also in digital format on CD – ROM or floppy disk, by mail or e-mail ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )

The organizers of the festival will publish a general catalogue of the films presented.

Enrolment and participation to the contest imply complete agreement to the present rules and the enrolment form.

The present rules have been laid down in Italian and English. In case of problems of interpretation, the Italian version shall prevail.

Labbadia Ermete   This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Entry form 2011

INVENTA UN FILM – 14th edition   (SUBJECT: LIFE)

Title: ……………….................................................................….
Director: ……………………..……………………………………
Screenplay: …………………………………………………….….
…………………………………                                 ………………………………..
…………………………………                                 ………………………………..
……..………………………….                                 ………………………………..
……..………………………….                                 ………………………………..
……..………………………….                                 ………………………………..
……..………………………….                                 ………………………………..
……..………………………….                                 ………………………………..
Editor: ……………………………………………………………….
Producer: ……….……………………………………………………
Duration: ……………………………………
Sender: ………………………………………….....…………………….
Address: …………………………………………………………………
Tel ……………………….…………………….   E-Mail …………………………………

Date ………………………………..
                                                                   Signature   …………………………….
Own information