Фестивали: подача заявок

Казанский МКФ мусульманского кино продолжает приём заявок


1 февраля стартовала заявочная кампания XX Казанского международного фестиваля мусульманского кино. Сбор заявок продлится до 1 июня 2024 года. Отборочная комиссия закончит свою работу к началу июля. После будет обнародована конкурсная программа.

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13.06.2016 00:00

МКФ эко-тематических фильмов, 15-19 октября 2016 года, Прага


Международный кинофестиваль эко-тематических фильмов, рассматривающие различные аспекты взаимодействия окружающей среды и жизнедеятельности человека объявил о начале приема заявок.


International Film Festival Ekotopfilm, 15 – 19 october 2016


Dear applicants,

we would like to inform you, that from now on it’s possible to apply your eco-themed film targeted on enviroment and sustainable living to our International Film Festival Ekotopfilm. Which will be held this autumm from 15. – 19. october 2016.


You can apply with film wich is suitable for one of categories listed below:


A. Science and Technology – at least 30 minutes – Films that explain the role of science and technology in maintaining a sustainable environment. These films should inform viewers about new trends, technologies, and materials that are being developed to address the challenges of sustainable development.


B. Nature and Natural Science –  at least 30 minutes – Films intended to inform and entertain by creatively exploring ecological systems and their inhabitants (people, flora, fauna). The goal of these films is to show viewers how earth’s inhabitants interact within their environment and how each one attempts to maintain their position and continue to thrive.


C. Technology Success Stories – at least 30 minutes – Films about individuals (or groups) who have used science or technology to successfully address a specific ecological problem. These films should describe the technological activities that are improving local sustainability issues, and that may have global applications.


D. Human Activity Success Stories – at least 30 minutes – Films about how individuals (or groups) have addressed sustainability issues through changes in the attitudes and behaviors of the people involved. Entries should explore any new activities or processes that are successfully resolving ecology and quality of life issues.


E. Current Affairs – at least 10 minutes – Films about contemporary ecological sustainability issues and crises, and their impact on global or local environment or culture. These issues can be the result of natural events such as climate change, drought, storms, floods, or earthquakes; or the result of human activity, such as population growth, habitat destruction, misuse of natural resources, or waste mismanagement…).


F. Children and Youth – max. 45 minutes – Films focused on environmental education (f.e. recycling, endangered species, endangered environments etc.).


G. Short films – max. 30 minutes – This open category is for short eco-themed films (f.e. medailons about specific locationes or events associated to nature and sustainability.)


This year you can sign in your films from June 7th to September 5th 2016.  


Please do not forget to check our festival statute before your appliance.


In case of any questions feel free to ask our coordinator of programme – Marek Vöröš at Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript .


We are looking forward to your submissions and best luck in festivale contest.




Entry Form here