Festivals: call for entries

National award "Urker" Call for Entries!


Deadline: September 1st 2024 


ALTERNATIVA FILM Labs announces an open call for the Impact Lab_kg


Deadline: 05.08.2024. The Impact Lab will take place from September 26 to October 1 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.


ALTERNATIVA FILM Labs announces an open call for the Impact Lab


Deadline: 05.08.2024. The Impact Lab will take place from September 26 to October 1 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Wednesday, 04 December 2013 00:00

Documentary scriptwriting residency - 2014


Almaty, Kazakhstan, 3-15 March, 2014, Central Asia

How does an idea become a project, and how does a project become a script? How can the film one dreams of, become reality? These are some of the essential questions for any filmmaker that writing must first resolve or at least clarify.
Two French Organisations, Ecran Libre and Ardeche Images, collaborate since a few years with many local organisations from Central Asia, Caucasus and East Russia (Kazakhfilms, Kyrgyzfilms, Arts Council of Mongolia, …) to propose documentary film projects. With support from European Union funds and other regional funds, all partners propose together a program of Documentary Film trainings/Workshops residencies since 2011. There is one session in each region (Central Asia, Caucasus and East Russia) since 2011.


And there will also be organised professional production meetings between participants to residencies, local and European producers and broadcasters (Televisions), called TENK. These meetings aim that film projects developed during Eurasiadoc training sessions get best opportunity to find in short term a producer/television. The next TENK will happen in July 2014 in Yerevan, in collaboration with the Golden Apricot Film festival.


The aims of this project are :

•   To help people who want to develop a professional approach of documentary film making, with a strong personal artistic research.

•   To build strong local documentary professional networks across these regions, and between these regions and Europe


Participation is free of charge. Travelling costs, catering and accommodation are also paid by the project’s funds.


Please find more details below


A. Organisation and Set-up of CENTRAL ASIA documentary training sessions



Eight to ten young film authors/makers from Kirghizstan, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia will be hosted in a writing residency for a 12 days workshop, aiming to:

• Identify, through writting work, cinema issues that will lead film projects, while exploring the possibilities of local funding;

• Carry out a diagnostic and detailed critical analysis of their film projects, and develop a true documentary "scenario" to be presented to producers and / or television

• Carry out exercises in video rough sketches,

• Based on in-depth exploration of a "subject" to its transformation into a real film project, the training also leads to the acquisition of a working method to be used for future projects.


The EURASIADOC, 3th edition, will take place from 3 to 15 March 2014 in Kazakhstan. Two tutors, Samuel Aubin and Christophe Postic, who are both film makers or producers, will mentor the programme.



It is not a technical training session but rather an intensive seminar for reflection and analysis about a personal project submitted by the applicant.


Participants, coordinated by the tutors, will focus on:

In-depth analysis of questions of “subject” and form; collective viewing of any of the trainees’ earlier productions as well as films from the documentary film heritage

Individual research work: interpretation and viewing of films relating to the project’s formal themes and issues

Individual tutorials with the tutor: analysis, preparing to scout for locations, examining the different possible options.

First stage of rewriting the project

Collective and individual analysis of reworked projects

Final draft of the project, in constant coordination with the trainer


After the residency

The most advanced documentary film projects from Eurasiadoc residencies will have the opportunity to attend the co-production meeting “Tenk”, which is taking place during the Golden Apricot Film Festival, in Yerevan, in July 2014, to pitch their project and meet European and local producers, and TV broadcasters.


B. Conditions of Participation



Projects, which will be considered for selection, are “creative documentaries”.

> “Creative Documentaries”: any work dealing with reality, past or present, which has been the subject of research, analysis and writing, and which expresses the originality of the writer-directors’ perspective.



The course is designed for any film writer-maker:

• From one of this country: Kirghizstan, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia (min. 19 years old),

• Qualification is not required but at least a little experience in film making (professional or non-professional) in link with the image (broadcasting, photography, visual arts…) would be preferable,

• Projects may be presented by film writers/makers, whether or not they already have a producer’s backing.


Selection of the candidates

No incomplete application will be considered. The committee will not justify its decision to unsuccessful candidates. Results will be sent by email one month before the beginning of the residency, at the latest.


Cost of the Program

This program is free of charge for film writers/makers following the residency. This includes:

- registration fees,

- Access to documentation (films, reviews, etc.),

- Access to shooting equipment,

- Catering and accommodation,

- Transport to reach the residency in Kazakhstan and transport back from the residency.

- Charges (travel, per diem, hostel) relative to the participation to coproduction meetings TENK in Armenia for selected participants.


Submitting Application Forms:

Applications including the form filled in and the required documents (see list below) must be sent only by email and before the 15th January, 2014 – midnight (closing date for applications) to the following email address (applications could be sent in French, English or Russian):

Sébastien ESCANDE / EURASIADOC / Ecran Libre

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Required Documents:

The form must be sent by email to the address given in the enrolment form for each programme. The form must include the following documents in the order given below:


- 1.  Application form,

- 2.  The film writer-maker’s CV,

- 3.  A Director's Note and/or a developed synopsis of 2 to 10 pages.


Please write down clearly on all the pages of your documents the TITLE OF THE PROJECT and THE NAME OF HIS AUTHOR. 



Documentary scriptwriting Residencies in Central Asia


Title of project:



Envisaged Length: ........................


Summary (10 lines):


Candidate for Programme – Writer-Director of Project:



First name:

Date of birth:





Postcode, City:






Cell phone:





Mother tongue:

Spoken language(s):



Date and signature:


Potential Producer of Project:



First name:

Date of birth:





Postcode, City:






Cell phone:





Mother tongue:

Spoken language(s):


Date and signature: