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Национальная премия «ҮРКЕР» - 2024» : начался прием заявок


Министерство культуры и информации РК объявляет старт приема заявок на соискание Национальной премии «ҮРКЕР» - 2024» в области печатной, радио и интернет – журналистики.

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Alternativa Film Labs Impact Lab программасына катталууну жарыялайт


Дедлайн: 05.08.2024. Impact Lab чыгармачыл кинолабораториясы 26-сентябрдан 1-октябрга чейин Бишкекте (Кыргызстан) өтөт.

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Alternativa Film Labs объявляет набор  на программу Impact Lab


Дедлайн: 05.08.2024. Творческая кинолаборатория Impact Lab пройдет с 26 сентября по 1 октября в Бишкеке (Кыргызстан).

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09.04.2013 00:00

Принимаются заявки в Четвертую Летнюю Академию при МКФ в Локарно


Летняя Академия при МКФ в Локарно была основана в 2010 году с целью поддержки талантливой молодежи. МКФ в Локарно проводит обучающие тренинги для молодых режиссеров, кинематографистов, студентов и кинокритиков.


Сегодня начался прием заявок.




The Locarno Summer Academy came about from a desire to maximise Locarno's qualities as a meeting-place and place of exchange for thinking about film, and hosts four different initiatives, aimed at four different target participants.

The program thus offers a range of access levels: from a more general introduction for the younger participants,

to training new film critics, and from workshops for emerging filmmakers working on their first feature to labs for university students.


80 promising young talents from all over the world are selected by the Locarno Summer Academyand its partners,

and invited to participate in one of the four programs on offer:


Filmmakers Academy (12-17 August 2013): a Festival del film Locarno program for 25 young filmmakers from all over the world. A chance to interact with professional figures of international renown that will give participants the opportunity to extend their professional network and to broaden their knowledge of the various aspects of being a filmmaker,

in the innovative spirit and auteur tradition that Locarno has always embodied.
Information and application.


Critics Academy (7-17 August 2013): a Festival del film Locarno training program for 8 young film journalists/critics,

in collaboration with Indiewire, the Film Society of Lincoln Center and the Swiss Association of Film Journalists.
Information and application.


Documentary Summer School (12-17 August 2013): organized by the Swiss Italian University with the Festival del film Locarno, in collaboration with the Semaine de la critique, the Documentary Summer School enrols 20 university students following film,

audio-visual and communication curricula. The students will have the opportunity to analyze various aspects of documentary filmmaking, and meet with directors from the Semaine de la critique section’s selection.
Information and application.


Cinema&Gioventù (6-17 August 2013): an initiative of the Dipartimento dell'educazione, della cultura e dello sport - Centro didattico cantonale, aimed at 32 high school and university students or those coming from a vocational training school,

in Switzerland and Northern Italy. Over eleven days, the young participants (17-21 years old) will participate in the Festival,

as jury members and as privileged spectators.
Information and application.


The Locarno Summer Academy enjoys support from the Ernst Göhner Stiftung (Zug) and has this year a new head,

Ticino journalist and director Stefano Knuchel.

The official working languages are English and Italian.

The 4th edition will take place 7-17 August 2013, as part of the 66th Festival del film Locarno.

Press Office
66° Festival del film Locarno
7-17 | 8 | 2013
Via Ciseri 23 | CH-6601 Locarno
tel +41 91 756 21 21 | fax +41 91 756 21 49 
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